Groundhog Day Personal Translation

“Groundhog Day is a story of self-awareness, self-improvement and ultimately self-transformation. Phil does not transform his character through attaining more power, wealth or status. He cannot change his place or time, so he has to change himself. He simplifies his life to the essence, to what is most significant – like being aware and caring for others.”

Couldn’t agree more.

People are weirded out when I say outside gunning for the amount I am still working hard to raise to secure my #FelineMafia, #AjaMama and #Kambal‘s welfare long after I’m gone:

I am ready to meet my Maker (if there is really an afterlife, I do have a bunch of clarifications as we all have, if there is none, do not really mind turning to nothing where I came from anyways),

I am generally thankful and at peace with the cards I were dealt with and how I played with them. I no longer have big, hairy audacious goals or massive dreams to pursue.

I am grateful everyday and do my best to pay forward when and where I can.

This is not surrender.

It is living life as if you’re on playing a game that you’ve won, and that you’re simply enjoying yourself playing the bonus round.

This is how I define living on interest and how I deal with my reality.

I still have each day to grow while I’m here – so I’ll take and have fun with it the best way I can.

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